The songs of Zechariah, Mary, the angels, and Simeon were very different than any other Jewish religious songs of their day. I imagine the songs of this period were all in minor keys to reflect the sadness of these people. There were no happy songs in these days because these people had very little to […]
Week after week, Pastor Mark Adams brings his special touch to the sermons we hear. We are providing these messages here on our website as an extension of our ministry. You are welcome to use these messages without charge. Please do not sell or reproduce them without permission.
Mary’s Song
Series: First Songs of Christmas (1997) | Preacher: Mark Adams | Date: December 14, 1997 | Scripture Reference: Luke 1:46-55 |
Zechariah’s Song
Series: First Songs of Christmas (1997) | Preacher: Mark Adams | Date: December 7, 1997 | Scripture Reference: Luke 1:57-80 |
Music has been a popular part of the celebration of our Lord’s birth for a long time, a VERY long time! Scripture records that the central characters in the Christmas story almost instantly responded to the events surrounding the birth of our Savior with songs. Perhaps the age of these songs is the characteristic that […]
Sense and Nonsense About Spiritual Gifts
Series: Building the Body | Preacher: Mark Adams | Date: November 30, 1997 | Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 12 |
Some leaders in the church at Corinth were teaching a great deal of “nonsense” advice on the subject of spiritual gifts. But their teaching contained just enough “sense” to make it appear authoritative. And because of this, many Christians there were believing these cleverly disguised false teachings and were applying them to their lives. These […]
Buildng the Body With an Attitude of Gratitude
Series: Building the Body | Preacher: Mark Adams | Date: November 23, 1997 | Scripture Reference: Colossians 3:15-17 |
Attitude can have an incredible impact on our lives. The longer I live the more I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we respond. And because this is true, I believe that the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my […]
Building the Body by Taming the Tongue
Series: Building the Body | Preacher: Mark Adams | Date: November 9, 1997 | Scripture Reference: James 3:1-12 |
Throughout the Bible, the spoken word is taken very seriously. In the old days, the ancient Hebrews regarded these little oral sounds in utterly concrete terms. They believed that to speak a word was to create a unit of energy with powers all its own, and then let this loose into the world. For example, […]
The Church…Where One Anothering Happens
Series: Essential Beliefs | Preacher: Mark Adams | Date: November 2, 1997 | Scripture Reference: Acts 2:42-47, 4:32-35 |
Acts 2, Acts 4 describes the early church….a group of Christians who were known for the Christlike way in which they treated one another. If the churches of today are to enjoy “church” in the fullest sense of the word they must be places where “one-anothering” happens. The various qualities of one-anothering that combine to […]
Its Not ONLY Money
Series: -- | Preacher: Mark Adams | Date: October 26, 1997 | Scripture Reference: Matthew 6:19-21 |
This week as I was studying for this stewardship sermon, one cliché that kept coming into my mind was the popular saying, “It’s only money”. When you think about it, the three words that make up this cliché do reflect a philosophy that is common in our communities these days. So many of us view […]
Salvation – What it isnt and What it is
Series: Essential Beliefs | Preacher: Mark Adams | Date: October 19, 1997 | Scripture Reference: Romans 3:10-12, 20-25 |
God made it simple for a person to become a Christian. But by using vague clichés and by embracing misconceptions of the steps one must take to become a Christian, some make salvation seem to be something that is difficult…even complex. Some infer that becoming a Christian is the result of a person’s having done […]
Jesus Christ — the Man that is Different
Series: Essential Beliefs | Preacher: Mark Adams | Date: October 12, 1997 | Scripture Reference: Hebrews 1:1-4 |
Last week we looked at the authority of scripture…. …this week we look at our belief about Jesus Christ. It is important to note that these two essentials are intertwined. The Bible from beginning to end is the written record of God pursuing a relationship with mankind. So the love of Jesus can be felt […]
The Bible….The Book That is Different
Series: Essential Beliefs | Preacher: Mark Adams | Date: October 5, 1997 | Scripture Reference: 2 Timothy 2:15,3:15-17, Hebrews 4:12, 2 Peter 1:19-21 |
Our Lord and Savior, our Superior in the chain of command, has given us a mission. We call it the GREAT COMMISSION. Remember the commanding words Jesus spoke as He was ascending to heaven while the disciples looked on: “All authority has been given me in heaven and earth. Therefore, go to all peoples everywhere […]