Sermons on Matthew

Note: we're still in the process of creating this index, so these results are only partial. More to come soon!

Portrait of a Christian

Series: Preacher: Date: October 1, 2006 Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:13-16

My mom makes a great mock apple pie. I say “mock” because there are no apples in it. It looks like a real apple pie; it smells like a real apple pie and I think most of you apple pie connoisseurs out there would agree that it tastes like one but it’s not real. It’s […]

Finding Your Missing Peace

Series: Preacher: Date: September 3, 2006 Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:9

As most of you know, my daughter is now off at college. A week ago this past Thursday-ten days and ten nights ago now-we filled our mini-van with all the necessities of dorm life and headed for campus to help her move in and get settled. Now my daughter shares a room with two other […]

Meek Does Not Mean Weak

Series: Preacher: Date: July 2, 2006 Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:5

This past Wednesday millions of DC comic fans celebrated the release of the new movie, Superman Returns-and I admit, Daniel and I were two of them. In fact for several months now we’ve been planning to see this film together because since he was a little kid one thing we have had in common is […]

The Gladness of Sadness

Series: Preacher: Date: June 18, 2006 Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:4

If you know me then you know that I love both to hear and to tell jokes! I always try to keep a few jokes in my mind to use just in case the opportunity arises because I love to both laugh and make other people laugh. In fact, Sue will tell you I have […]

The Poverty of Self-Sufficiency

Series: Preacher: Date: June 4, 2006 Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:1-3

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always gotten a kick out of oxymorons. If you aren’t familiar with this term, an oxymoron is a combination of contradictory words that we use together all the time but don’t seem to go together. Here are some examples: fresh-frozen, ill health, pretty ugly, working vacation, almost exactly, […]

Developing a Disciples Attitude

Series: Preacher: Date: May 28, 2006 Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:1-12;17-20

My day-to-day life pretty much revolves around sermons. Let me put it this way, preaching is not just my occupation. It’s my pre-occupation. And, this preoccupation is not unique to me-it is true of any pastor, because our primary task is to equip the saints who make up our churches for ministry. Any under-shepherd’s main […]

When Christians Disagree

Series: Preacher: Date: September 5, 2004 Scripture Reference: Acts 15:1-41, Matthew 18:15-16

In the winter of 1979 the church I grew up in-The First Southern Baptist Church of Dover, Delaware-a church my father pastored for 27 years-this church that I tend to refer to as my “home church” – well, it went through a nasty split. And-it happened about the same time Sue and I decided to […]

Its Not ONLY Money

Series: -- Preacher: Date: October 26, 1997 Scripture Reference: Matthew 6:19-21

This week as I was studying for this stewardship sermon, one cliché that kept coming into my mind was the popular saying, “It’s only money”. When you think about it, the three words that make up this cliché do reflect a philosophy that is common in our communities these days. So many of us view […]

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